Benefits of Tofu According to Ayurveda


 Tofu According to Ayurveda

In India Tofu is mostly known as Soy Paneer, and in Ayurveda, it is primarily used for menopausal symptoms. Tofu is also a satisfying protein source that clears heat, detoxifies, eases urination, firms up stools, and moisturizes the lungs and skin.

Tofu for Anti-Aging

Tofu is an excellent anti-aging food as it moisturizes the skin and joints while making the skin more firm. It contains isoflavones which ensure fewer wrinkles and smooth skin. 
Those that suffer from hot, fiery, or dry skin conditions, can benefit by using tofu in their diet due to its dull, cooling properties. 
Its estrogenic properties make it ideal for dryness due to menopause. Vatas should exercise caution: tofu moisturizes the skin but it is also a diuretic, which can dry out a sensitive Vata constitution.

Heart Healthy

While tofu already hails as being a wonder plant for improvement in the elasticity of the skin, it also improves the elasticity of blood vessels. This is useful when there is major hardening of the arteries, which eventually can cause heart disease. Atherosclerosis is caused by a buildup of plaque in the inner lining of an artery. Plaque is made up of deposits of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium, and fibrin.

Soy protein studies show tofu may be useful to lower cholesterol, especially low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the bad kind of cholesterol. This may be due to the phytoestrogens in tofu.

Eases Menopause 

Dreading menopause? Tofu is supportive for women who have low estrogen, due to phytoestrogen compounds. In menopause, estrogen levels drop, causing dry skin and low bone density.

Tofu is used in Ayurveda to reduce hot flashes and menopause-related symptoms, including dry skin and low bone density. Tofu is also supportive during menstruation when estrogen dips. It is also sometimes recommended for nursing mothers to help with the quality and quantity of breastmilk.

Controversy Over Estrogen Effects

The debate and controversy surrounding the estrogenic effects of tofu, especially regarding breast cancer has been around for quite some time. Obviously, if you eat something in excess, no matter what it is, it will affect you somehow. 
While many studies worldwide have been conducted for various reasons. The bottom line is if you are someone who already has high estrogen, has lumps in your breasts during menstruation, or has an allergy to soy, of course, you should avoid it. On the flip side of that though, as estrogen levels drop during menopause, Ayurveda does use soy products, in particular tofu, to assist with increasing those levels. It just makes sense. However, even in Ayurveda, your Ayurveda dosha type is going to also play a major part in whether it is recommended.  

Cooling Nature

Tofu's cool quality is known for clearing heat in the digestive tract. It can be beneficial for Pittas due to the cooling nature of tofu. Pitta is governed by fire and water, making tofu an excellent choice for calming the fiery nature of Pittas or helping to reduce redness in the skin caused by a Pitta imbalance. Of all the doshas, tofu helps to specifically pacify, soothe, and relax Pitta.

Affects Tofu Has On Digestion

While Tofu is a great source of protein for vegans and vegetarians, it also nourishes and fills you up.
In excess, the density and heaviness can aggravate Kapha

The heavy, lethargic effect of soy on the mind makes soy tamasic. This reference is based on the three Gunas in Ayurveda.
amas are the energy of darkness, inertia, inactivity, and materiality. The God of Tamas is Lord Shiva himself,  so all the intoxicating drugs and wine, alcohol, etc. are associated with him.
Those with dry, cold constitutions (Vata) might find tofu hard to digest. 
Eat a smaller quantity to avoid gas & bloating, or add spices that aid in digestion. It is noted too that the curdled soy proteins in tofu are easy to digest than raw soybeans (as in edamame) but fermented soy products are even easier.

Toxin Clearing Diuretic

Probably one of the best things about tofu is that it is a diuretic used for toxin clearing. This is also an ancient practice in Chinese Medicine. 
If you see bubbles in your urine, it can be a sign of protein loss from the blood. Consider that you may have just eaten a meal high in protein, but it can also mean that the kidneys are irritated to the point where they are leaking protein.

Also be aware that the astringent, cold, drying quality of tofu are signs of the air element. These qualities generally hardened stools, and are most common in Vatas.  For Pitta and Kapha, the high fiber content aids in stool bulk, helping to eliminate.  The cool quality of tofu is especially useful for hot, Pitta-type diarrhea.

Although tofu is high in nutrients it is low in calories. Caution should be taken if used for weight loss because tofu is estrogenic. Estrogen causes weight gain.

Buy Organic

Tofu is a whole food but can be highly processed. with 90% of the soy crop being GMO. If you have the option, clearly organic is best.
The main concerns around GMOs involve allergies, cancer, and environmental issues — all of which we must have an awareness about. 

Like many plants, Soy has anti-nutrients that inhibit the absorption of nutrients to protect it from plants and insects. These anti-nutrients inhibit the uptake of minerals. Fermenting soy can reduce these anti-nutrients, and make soy easier to digest, reducing many of the negative qualities of soy.

Pacifying or Aggravating?

Due to the estrogenic compounds in tofu, it can pacify Vata but can aggravate Kapha. However, the diuretic compounds aggravate and dry out Vata, while pacifying Kapha. Tofu's cool quality pacifies Pitta.
If you are unfamiliar with what your Dosha type is, or you have an imbalance (illness) you can take this quiz to help you understand what is best for your body type. 
Although Ayurveda really may seem complicated, it's not. The essence of really comprehending Ayurveda is understanding your own body, and what it's telling you. Listen to your gut!

Properties of Tofu

GUNAS (NATURE): Tamasic (darkness)

DOSHAS: Pitta Balancing, Vata/Kapha Aggravating

Superpower:  Protein Powerhouse

Tastes: Astringent

Element: Air, Earth

Energy: Grounding

The Benefits of Tofu

What’s so great about Tofu?

  • Tofu is a complete protein and contains all the essential amino acids your body needs. It also provides fats, carbs, and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals - in addition to fiber, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, and manganese
  • Tofu contains several anti-inflammatories, antioxidant phytochemicals making it a great addition to an anti-inflammatory diet.
  • Source of protective antioxidants called isoflavones
  • Used for menopausal symptoms and reduces hot flashes

  • Used for dry skin and low bone density
  • Moisturizes the skin and joints
  • Reduces wrinkles
  • Heart-healthy
  • Toxin clearing diuretic 
  • Supports blood sugar management


    1. Great info - as always. I go in spurts with Tofu but I need to be more consistent :)


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