Benefits of Oats According to Ayurveda

 Oats According to Ayurveda

Oats are useful to manage anxiety. According to Ayurveda, Vata governs all the movement and actions of the body and nervous system respectively. Anxiety is mainly due to a Vata imbalance. Oats help to balance Vata and give a calming effect on the nervous system.

Oats and Weightloss

In Ayurveda, medical imbalances are addressed by treating the root of the problem. Additional weight gain is considered in Ayurveda to be caused by weak or poor digestion,  It is the accumulation of toxins in the form of excess fat or Ama (toxins that remains in the body due to incomplete digestion). Oats help to improve the digestive fire (Agni) and thus the metabolism. This helps to remove toxins from the body. It also enhances stool production and helps to remove it from the intestines, thus resulting in weight loss.

Oats and Milk are considered nourishing anti-inflammation treatments for skin issues, this is due to their cooling nature. 

The Best Breakfast For Vata

Vatas are infamous for their fast metabolism, yet less than adequate elimination.  Oats in general are wonderful for the Vata dosha due to their slippery, wet, and unctuous qualities. 

From an Ayurvedic view, oats in any form are considered to have soft, heavy, sticky, warm, and slightly oily (mucilaginous, we might say) qualities. And oats, in their grain form, naturally taste sweet., which makes them particularly balancing for Vata dosha.

While oats definitely are predominately best for Vata dosha, Pitta also benefits from its sweet taste, along with its heavy and soft qualities.

In the rules of Ayurveda, Oats are aggravating to Kapha due to the similarities to Kapha dosha (think heavy, oily, soft, sticky, and sweet).

Oatmeal for Vata

Oatmeal is typically a good choice for Vata, but the heavy quality needs balancing so it doesn’t overwhelm a weak and sensitive digestive tract. 

Oats are high in mucilaginous soluble fiber, which is what you see after the oats cook for a while. It looks like mucus or slime. However, that soluble fiber helps to soften and support a dry digestive tract, which is often the case for Vata types. 

Properties of Oats

GUNAS (NATURE): Sattvic 

DOSHAS: Vata/Pitta Balancing, Kapha Aggravating

Superpower:  Appetite Suppressant

Tastes: Sweet

Element: Earth

Energy: Grounding

The Benefits of Oats

What’s so great about Oats?

  • Oats are useful to manage the symptoms of anxiety
  • Anxiety is a Vata imbalance
  • Improves Agni (digestive fire) which helps with metabolism

  • Enhances stool production resulting in weight loss
  • Aids in removing toxins from the body
  • Retains moisture in the skin
  • Reduces skin inflammation
  • Appetite-suppressant
  • High in Fibre
  • High in Protein
  • High in B Vitamins, Pottasium & Phosperus
  • Recent research suggests it is also a prebiotic


    1. I love oats, especially overnight oats

      1. Me versatile and healthy! I love being Vegan

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      1. Really thats weird but thank you :) Trying to blog more but time just gets away from me!


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