Benefits of Banana According to Ayurveda

Banana according to Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, banana literally means a fruit with the qualities of divine nectar. In Ayurveda, Banana is considered to have numerous health benefits if consumed properly according to the seasons and personal constitution. 

Don't eat banana after dark

Actually, all fruit should not be eaten after the sun begins to set. Typically after 4pm. Ayurveda also strongly suggests not to eat any fruit after having your meals at any time of the day. Eating fruits can directly disrupt the ongoing digestion of the food eaten Eating fruits after your meals may lead to fermentation in your stomach. This will affect your overall digestive health, causing acidity, gas, and indigestion.

Also combining uncooked food with cooked food is not recommended in Ayurveda. Eating fruits that are raw with cooked vegetables ideally should not be combined or eaten together. Both fruits and vegetables have different digestion rates, and eating them together is not recommended.

Bananas are best eaten in the morning

Bananas are a stabilizing and grounding food. Aside from also being a sweet fruit, they hold a lot of water content, and are considered a cooling food. However,  they do have a longer digestion time than other fruits, and are also sweet. The best time to eat them would be in the morning. If eating before a main meal, eat at least an hour before to ensure healthy digestion.

Properties of Banana :  Alkalizing  

GUNAS (NATURE): Sattvic (balanced energy)  

DOSHAS: Vata/Pita Balancing 

Kapha Aggravating

Element: Earth and Water

Superpower: Natural muscle tonic

Tastes: Sweet 


The Benefits of Banana

Banana has always been known to be rich in potassium, but there are many other benefits banana can be used for your health. Adding bananas to your diet will help improve your skin, muscles, and assist in weight gain.

  • Replenishes electrolytes and rehydrates. Fresh, ripe bananas will keep you cool & replenish fluids. Refreshing and energizing your entire body 
  • Feeds muscles and prevents muscle cramps. A common sign of low potassium, electrolyte and hydration levels are associated with muscle cramps. Signs of feeling weak, tired or fatigued,  bananas can restore electrolytes. Muscles depend on electrolytes for contraction as well as relaxation.
  • With its creamy, moist, sticky and soft texture, bananas benefit intestinal irritation.  Bananas help to stimulate mucous production in your gut, which has an anti-acid and soothing effect on your stomach
  • Bananas are heavier and harder to digest than most other ripe fruits. When spiced up with lime, ginger and/or cardamom (natural digestive aids), this super fruit is lighter and easier to digest
  • Bananas are considered one of nature's natural moisturizers. They assist in healthy hair, and help to give soft, smooth and glowing skin. Banana peels have been used topically to help with liver spots, haemorrhoids, and itching
  • Bananas are also anti-bacterial
  • Bananas are a good food to go to for stabilizing gastric conditions
  • Packed with potassium, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin C
  • Used for weight gain due to its earth and water elements


  1. Hi! Jennifer here! Not sure why I can't change my profile name on your blog/comments. Sorry about that! Anyhow...I thought I commented on this post but maybe I missed it. I don't like bananas BUT I know how good they are for us and wish I like them! I have gotten to the point where I can stomach a half of one in a smoothie BUT if it's a whole one I know it! LOL :)

    1. Yeah you did and I thought I approved it but apparently not! I took a look at my settings and I changed a few things, maybe you can change it now?? Thanks for commenting :)

  2. Really interesting article thanks. I like bananas when they're still kind of green and less sweet. I usually eat them for brekkie but the info about not eating fruit after dark or other meals was interesting I've not heard of this before. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks Della, Im glad I could help. If you want to know more you can google food combining chart or similar. This one is pretty simple. Hopefully it works for you, or shoot me another msg if you want a deeper explanation :)


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