Benefits of Avocado According to Ayurveda

Avocado According to Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda,  Avocado is called the alligator pear, and is known as the royal fruit with magical properties.

The Wonder Fruit

Served with meals to emperors and princesses, long ago, its no wonder that modern day scientists are claiming that it is the fruit with the highest nutritional content. 

They are filled with essential nutrients and minerals including B-vitamins and folic acid. Few foods from the plant kingdom echo the heavy. creamy richness of avocado. 

Although Avocado is unusually high in fats, its the good kind! It combines well with any foods (bitters and sours) that improve fat digestion and metabolism.

The avocado's heavy, oily, and cool qualities lubricate the intestines and moisten dry lungs. Eating this nourishing food helps soothe the joints, moisturize dry hair, skin and nails, and enhance libido. 

Properties of Avocado:  Alkalizing 

GUNAS (NATURE): Tamasic (darkness energy)  

DOSHAS: Vata/Pita Balancing 

Kapha Aggravating

Element: Earth and Water

Superpower: Skin tonic

Tastes: Sweet 

The Benefits of Avocado

Avocado has more potassium than banana, good for heart health, and is a natural toxin remover.
  • Healthy heart: Due to its anti-inflammatory properties it helps protect damage to arteries and reduces plaque deposit in the heart. It also helps keep blood pressure at a normal level thereby reducing the risk of heart diseases and strokes

  • Digestion Improvement: If you feel tired all the time and experience frequent heart burns then you could be facing poor digestion. The vitamins and minerals in avocado helps improve digestion.
  • Cholesterol: A compound called beta sistosterol lowers cholesterol levels drastically. 
  • Blood sugar: The high fiber content helps regulate blood sugar levels. It helps control and maintain the blood sugar thereby preventing it from crashing.
  • Vitamin C: Avocados boost Vitamin C levels in your body. It strengthens your ligaments, tendons and keeps your skin healthy.
  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E in avocados reduces the aging process of skin cells. It controls inflammation levels in the body. It also promotes cell communication.
  • Avocados and Beauty: Used widely for oils and masks
  • It contains monosaturated fat, which is the best kind of fat to consume.

  • It has nutrients which can help reduce optic degeneration and the onset of cataract.
  • It contains oleic acid which offers significant protection against breast cancer.
  • It wards off various heart diseases and strokes helps clear the body of toxins.
  •  It helps reduce fatigue and makes you less depressed
  • It increases your ability to concentrate.


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