Benefits of Quinoa According to Ayurveda


Quinoa According to Ayurveda

Ayurveda recommends eating quinoa daily to combat problems related to Kapha Dosha.  This is due to its ability to treat imbalances for severe respiratory issues, congestion, and various other lung-related ailments.

The superfoods of all superfoods

If you are confused on how to pronounce this tongue-twister of a grain, it is uttered as Kinwa or Kinuwa or Keen-wah.

Its widely available across the world, and if you're health conscious you'll know its recognized as a superfood. Making it more loveable for those with intolerances, quinoa is gluten-free, and loaded with calcium, so much so it is 4 times higher than wheat with lots of protein and iron. Making it a perfect food for those who are suffering from anaemia. 

Super easy to prepare and digest, while being nutrient dense, quinoa is a simple, practical, and straightforward choice for everyone. Quinoa's taste and texture will not disappoint: it is fluffy and lightweight with a nutty crunchiness that is perfect for salads or lightly cooked vegetables.

Properties of Quinoa:  Alkalizing   
GUNAS (NATURE): Sattvic (balanced energy)   

DOSHAS: Vata/Pita/Kapha Balancing
Element: Earth
Superpower: Packed with Protein, Calcium & Iron
Tastes: Sweet 

The Benefits of Quinoa

Quinoa has so many benefits that adding it to your daily diet, will have profound affects on your health and particularly your digestive system.

What makes it a good alternative to other grains

  • Curbs carb and sugar cravings. Often these cravings are protein cravings in disguise
  • It contains more protein (14% by mass) and fat than most grains which makes it an excellent alternative to white rice or refined carbohydrates, especially for vegetarians and vegans
  • The simple and satisfying "pseudo-grain" is especially attractive for those with weak digestion or recovering from illness
  • High in fibre, soothing to the digestive tract, and slightly cooling, relieving inflammatory conditions
  • Quinoa is rich in iron, and restores strength to deficient blood. It contains more calcium than milk, and is rich in magnesium and phosphorus. Magnesium relaxes and nourishes the heart and muscles, while it promotes heart function
