Benefits of Pumpkin According to Ayurveda


Pumpkin according to Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, pumpkins have long been utilized as a natural sedative. With the predominant earth element of pumpkin, it makes it a heavy and grounding ingredient, but full of nutrition. Due to its earthy quality, pumpkin has a natural relaxant effect, and is used to comfort in times of stress. 

King Pumpkin of the Autumn!

Its mighty vibrant colors remind us of Autumn and the festivities that surround this harvest time.

Consuming pumpkin is both physically and mentally grounding, and can serve as a great natural relaxant. Pumpkin can act as a natural sedative due its magnesium and potassium properties. The minerals contained in this vegetable help reduce tension and relax muscles naturally, allowing for deep relaxation support in achieving better sleep patterns. Not only does it help relax your muscles, but pumpkin can also increase your mood! Pumpkin slowly transmits tryptophan throughout the body which helps to increase serotonin levels.  The slow release of tryptophan helps to balance hormones, and helps alleviate feelings of low mood, sluggishness, and depression.

Pumpkins are versatile from digestion to skin

Pumpkin is also great in aiding digestion. Once cooked, the thick hard texture of pumpkin becomes gooey and soft which coats the digestive tract and acts as a protective barrier to mucus membranes. Next time you eat pumpkin, bring your focus and attention to your swallow and you will feel the protective healing. These attributes of pumpkin give it an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, and can help sooth gastric issues such as acid re-flux, irritated gut problems and digestive issues. However, not all digestive systems are created equal, and some people, particularly Vata types, can experience gas and constipation as pumpkin is cold and difficult to digest. 

Pumpkin can be a great, satisfying food to aide weight loss. Although pumpkin is often associated with rich, decadent desserts, as a vegetable it is very versatile and can be used in any number of healthy recipes. Pumpkins earthy quality can help you feel fuller for longer, but its high fibre content and soft texture don't leave you feeling weighed down, and instead full of energy.

The amber hues of pumpkin flesh can increase the glow of your skin too! Pumpkins contain high levels of minerals and vitamins that help to support and enhance your natural glow. Pumpkins contain high levels of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a pigment that gives fruits and vegetables their vibrant colours. Once consumed, the body converts beta-carotene into Vitamin A, C and E. These vitamins play an essential role in the health, development and maintenance of the skin and are essential for slowing down the ageing process and promoting regeneration of cells. 

Properties of Pumpkin:  Alkalizing  

GUNAS (NATURE): Tamasic (darkness energy)   

DOSHAS: Pita Balancing 
Vata/Pitta Aggravating
Element: Earth
Superpower: Natural muscle relaxant
Tastes: Sweet 

The Benefits of Pumpkin

Pumpkin has so many great health benefits that will have profound affects on your health. Adding this grounding vegetable to your diet will help improve your skin, digestive system and mental health.

  • Contains a vast array of minerals and vitamins including: Beta Carotene, Iron, Potassium, Sodium, Vitamin A, E & C 
  • Stress reliever, muscle relaxant and natural sedative
  • Helps to balance mood by increasing serotonin in your brain
  • Coats digestive tract with a protective barrier, aiding healthy digestion and prevents gastric issues
  • Acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, fighting stagnation within the body
  • Facilitates healthy, glowing skin and promotes regeneration  of skin cells slowing down the ageing progress


  1. Hi! It's Jennifer from ig & My Blissful Journey! I had to use a different email address to comment for some reason. The older I get the more I'm using pumpkin in things! And I have been trying to get into Ayurveda for Health more again, too!

    1. Hey! Sorry to hear that...and weird! If you ever need any advice about Ayurveda, please let me know. My studies come from living in India for nearly 7 years :) Ill Check your blog out too!


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