Benefits of Zucchini According to Ayurveda


Zucchini according to Ayurveda

Cooked zucchini is extremely easy to digest, making it useful if you are suffering from constipation, acid reflux, fatigue after meals, and many other disorders. It is very low in calories making it good for weight loss.



 Zucchini Boosts Digestion.

If you have digestive problems, chances are that adding zucchini to your daily diet may make quite a difference. Zucchini provides our bodies with water, electrolytes, as well as fibre which aids in recovering or managing digestive conditions. It can get help to reduce or even get rid of excess heat from the digestive system. Zucchini is a powerful anti-inflammatory. It’s light and easy to digest for most doshas, and can help ease problems like constipation and ulcers.

Properties of Cacao:  Acidifying
GUNAS (NATURE): Sattvic (balanced energy)   
DOSHAS: Vata/Pita Balancing, Increases Kapha (water)
Element: Water
Superpower: Packed with Antioxidants
Tastes: Sweet

The Benefits of Zucchini

Apart from digestion, Zucchini also hydrates the body, boosts vision, provides B Complex vitamins, and increases vitamin C levels. Finally, it also improves cardiovascular health. Now that is a power punch of benefits!
Just the vitamin C alone of one medium zucchini can approximately meet 50% of our required daily intake. All of this surprisingly helps to support our immune system,  regulate blood pressure, can make your skin look younger, reduce inflammation, and lowers oxidative stress. 
Well done Zucchini! Now I understand why my green detox soup makes me also feel energized! Check out my video below
