Benefits of Pineapple According to Ayurveda


Pineapple According to Ayurveda

Ayurveda promotes eating fruit as a meal on its own
Ayurveda strongly stands against eating any fruit after having your meals at any time of the day. The basic reason behind this is that eating fruits can directly disrupt the ongoing digestion of the food eaten.
Ayurveda advises that fruits that are not absolutely sweet should not be mixed with milk. Fruits that have even a little bit of acidic content, like pineapple are not good to be mixed with milk. Even though banana is sweet, you should not mix it with milk as it is too heavy for the gut.
In Ayurveda, pineapple (ananas) is used for the treatment of anorexia, as well as intestinal worms, amongst many other diseases and medical conditions. In particular the flesh of the pineapple is used for fever, thirst, jaundice, and constipation. It also helps to improve cardiac rhythm and strength.

The Benefits of Pineapple 

Fights cold & flu 
Creates Collagen
Reduces Inflammation
Promotes heart health
Aids digestion
Good for brain health

The Bromelain in Ananas has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It helps reduce inflammation and pain by blocking the pain mediators. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is known as Aamavata in Ayurveda. Amavata is a disease in which vitiation of Vata dosha and accumulation of Ama (toxins) takes place in the joints.
