Benefits of Onions According to Ayurveda


Onions according to Ayurveda

Ayurveda recognizes onions and garlic as blood purifiers.

 In Ayurveda, onions and garlic are used to prepare various ayurvedic medicines. However, Ayurveda does not support their excessive usage as it considers onion as tamasic in nature (sedative and irritable) and garlic to be rajsic (fresh but heavy and causes drained energy) in nature.
Image result for tamasic food meaning
Daily consumption of both onion and garlic can strengthen your immunity and keep several diseases at bay, Due to their extraordinary medicinal properties, Ayurveda uses extracts of these foods for making medicines, and considers them more like medicines than food items.
Because of their Tamasic and Rajasic properties respectively, onion and garlic are known to arouse various negative emotions among people. 

The Benefits of Onions

  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Recommended for Sciatica and Arthritis 
  • Reduces pain & swelling in joints
  • Antioxidant, and antihistaminic properties
  • Onion helps to control the symptoms of asthma and gives relief in case of breathlessness. According to Ayurveda, the main doshas involved in asthma are Vata and Kapha.
