Benefits of Garlic According to Ayurveda


Garlic according to Ayurveda

Ayurveda recognizes onions and garlic as blood purifiers.

 In Ayurveda, onions and garlic are used to prepare various ayurvedic medicines. However, Ayurveda does not support their excessive usage as it considers onion as tamasic in nature (sedative and irritable) and garlic to be rajasic (fresh but heavy and causes drained energy) in nature.
Garlic is a spice known as “Rasona” in Ayurveda. It is a popular ingredient in cooking due to its strong smell and medicinal properties. It is rich in sulphur compounds that attribute to its various health benefits. Garlic helps to manage weight by improving the metabolism of the body.
Image result for tamasic food meaning
Daily consumption of both onion and garlic can strengthen your immunity and keep several diseases at bay. Due to their extraordinary medicinal properties, Ayurveda uses extracts of these foods for making medicines, and considers them more like medicines than food items.
Because of their Tamasic and Rajasic properties respectively, onion and garlic are known to arouse various negative emotions among people. 

The Benefits of Garlic

  • Improves the metabolism of the body which assists weight loss
  • Heart health as it maintains a balance between good cholesterol and bad cholesterol levels 
  • It prevents plaque formation and helps to widen the blood vessels thereby managing blood pressure due to its antioxidant property
  • Boosts immunity and fights against various infections
  • Improves bone health with high calcium content. 
  • Garlic paste along with milk helps to improve sexual health due to its Vajikarana (aphrodisiac) property. 
  • Manages skin disorders like infections and acne 
  • Antifungal and antibacterial properties

Garlic for Candida

Several years ago, I realised I had Candida, and it was not the first time in my life, but it was certainly one of the worst times. 
My circumstances had me living in Israel at the time, and I was unsure of how to get that kind of medical treatment. Needless to say, anywhere in the world, doctors will actually rule out Candida and go straight to autoimmune issues, even though, Candida is the main cause of these conditions, and why autoimmune problems are considered untreatable. Now, I don't pretend to be a doctor, but I've done my research, and also can first hand relate to it being the case. 
I'd been diagnosed with that many autoimmune diseases, that I thought I would have to spend the rest of my life managing them. That's when I grew my knowledge and studied Ayurveda in India, where I consequently lived for more than 6 years.

Garlic is an Antifungal

What does that mean? Well, simply put, Candida is caused by an overgrowth of bad bacteria in our digestive system, and if left untreated, it can in severe cases (that's me!) leak into the blood stream! Gross, right?! 
Antifungals are used to treat such cases, and in this kind of extreme case, its definitely recommended to use the antifungals prescribed by your doctor. However, I will point out that Candida can be treated holistically if it is treated in time, before this happens.
The last time I had Candida I did have to run this type of course, but I wish I didn't, because I would much prefer to treat naturally.
Ok, so back when I had it several years ago, I did treat it in time, and over a course of about six weeks, I was back to normal. 
My daily concoction before eating breakfast consisted of garlic, apple cider vinegar, and coconut oil. All extremely high antifungals. I did also add Oregano Essential Oil to my routine.
I was very pleased with the results, but again I don't recommend others doing the same without medical advice, or a good understanding of these holistic medicines with formal training. 

Read more about Garlic Health
