Benefits of Broccoli According to Ayurveda


Broccoli according to Ayurveda

     Ayurveda saysBroccoli is packed with nutrients, high in fiber, and keeps the stomach satisfied for a long time

Broccoli is the most easily digested of the cabbage family. It contains abundant pantothenic acid and vitamin A, has more vitamin C than citrus and is a great natural source of sulfur, iron and vitamin B. 

It is good for Pitta and Kapha doshas. Due to its element of air, Vata should have in moderation. 

Broccoli can brighten the eyes, and is used for eye inflammation and nearsightedness.

It is also used to treat summer heat conditions, has benefits for dry skin and can counteract digestive gas.

Overall, broccoli is easily digestible and full of vitamins.

In Ayurveda it is used for Thyroid conditions, and Fibromyalgia 

The Benefits of Broccoli

Packed with fibre, iron, and of course protein
Contains potassium, calcium, selenium, magnesium
Vitamins A, C, E, K 
Vitamin B's inc folic acid
More vitamin C than a citrus
Perfect for heart health
Assists digestion
Promotes immune support
Reduces Ama (toxins)
